Saplings Day Care- Your Home Away From Home

Dear Aarush, It's been two weeks since I have joined office and you have started going to day care . When I was small I home with mom as she was a house wife. When dad was small he was always at home with his aaji because she lived with his parents. So the concept of day care, a home away from home as they call it, is quite new to us. You cry a lot when we drop you there and though your teacher there insists that you are fine the whole day, dropping u at the day care is the hardest part of our day. And unfortunately this hard part lasts the whole day. Well, there is a reason why we decided to put you to day care at this age. The reason is NOT that i HAD to join office. I was already on a career break since you were born and could have joined office any time. The main reason was, we felt that the separation will hurt you less at this age when you are ready to accept new things. Experienced parents told us that older kids get more emotional and find it harder...