Aarush completes an year - Written by Mom on behalf of Aarush
I am an year old now. Mom says that in a year, I have grown into an individual with my own mind and will... very curious though stubborn (only a little bit, u know). I like smiling and babbling at others and like it when people talk to me. I also like to make Mom and Dad feel proud by accomplishing newer feats everyday... putting spoon into my mouth, putting toys back into the toy bin, climbing on the sofa, pointing at objects, waving bye-bye, showing the wheel of the car when asked, keeping the car on top of shelf, etc. In fact I go from room to room in the house to do something new and different but Mom keeps stopping me. I listen to her when she says "no" if I do something bad, u see I am a good baby. But then I do it as soon as she is out of sight ;-p. My Dad calls me an alarm clock as I wake up at 7.30 am everyday and wake him up too.
Mom still tries to stuff me with food, but now I check out what exactly is being fed to me and turn my head away when it's medicine or something else I don't like. My favorite cartoon is Mickey Mouse, actually I like all Disney characters including Tom and Jerry and Winnie the Pooh. I love watching nursery rhymes and come running whenever Dad puts it on the TV. I love travelling and often visit my extended families in Mumbai.
I will be joining a daycare/playgroup soon as Mom has to join office. I am sure I will like the new place and make many friends. Will keep you posted. Thanks to all of you who reply to my mails. Keep in touch
Aarush, the Toddler
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