Letter to Aarush - Written the day you were born

Dated September 17, 2009, Morning 4.00 am
Aarush was born around 7.00 am through planned C-Section.

Dear Baby

After over 9 months, it's now our time to finally meet. These 9 months you have taught me how to take care of things, especially my health and life. You taught me how to control my emotions, be happy and trust others. I learnt the values of my relationships, especially with my family and loved ones.

The world is full of good and bad & I am sure you will come across different kinds of people and situations in life. But I am sure God will always be with you everywhere and all the time. I pray you grow up into a smart and kind human being who can truly face the real world strongly and successfully and yet form happy and positive relations with truthful and loyal people. Your Dad and I will always be by your side and will ensure that you get the best of everything that you deserve & which we shall be able to get for you. You being our first child, you are an embodiment of your father and my dreams & therefore you will always be special. You can achieve anything if you set your mind to it. I wish you will grow into a positive human being, not only confident of yourself but also believing and respecting others' abilities. You are born with a powerful destiny and it's in your hads how well you shape it. As you are about to enter this world, I wish you all the best. God will always bless you,

Love, Ma and Pa.


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