Adieu to Saplings Nursery School

Dear Teachers,
From December 2014, we have stopped dayhome for Aarush Waghmare. But we really feel that his association with Sapling Dayhome cannot end so quickly. In the last four years, he has spent many very memorable moments at Sapling and has grown up to be a happy, trusting and healthy child.
I remember the first time I dropped Aarush at Sapling Dayhome. He was only 13 months old and I was really worried about how he will adapt in and accept the place. His first day went well, but over the next few months, he was scared of the time he will have to stay away from us and used to cry a lot. He did not play with other children, was very picky about teachers and care-givers and required constant attention. His crying used to hurt us, but still, we felt comfortable leaving him in your care because you never lost patience with him. He was taken care of and nurtured the way we would do at home. Over time, he started enjoying school and day-home. He cried sometimes because he missed us, but never because he did not like anything or anyone in school/day-home. For four years, we could focus on our careers because we never felt the need to call dayhome and take an update on Aarush from his care-givers. We always knew he was in good care; among people who really like having him there as a part of a big family.

Though Aarush won't attend the dayhome anymore, Sapling Dayhome will always remain in our memory as a trust-worthy care-giver that Aarush was lucky to find. It was truly his home away from home. And I am sure he will miss Gauri Didi, Pallavi Didi, Geeta Teacher and all his teachers, care-givers and friends :). 
Warm regards, Vipula


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